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한 곳에서 척추·관절·통증·신경 질환을 해결할 수 있는 편리한 진료를 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
대표원장 이정곤
대표원장 이정곤
Neurologic deterioration in patients with acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack
Neurology, TW Park, JG Lee, MS Park, SS Park, KS Hong, WS Ryu, DE Kim et al
Intracranial arterial calcification can predict early vascular events after acute ischemic stroke
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. JG Lee, KB Lee, H Roh, MY Han, HJ Bae, JS Lee, HY Woo, HW Hwang
Low glomerular filtration rate increases hemorrhagic transformation in acute ischemic stroke
Cerebrovasc Dis, JG Lee, KB Lee, IM Jang, H Roh, MY Ahn
Implication of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in cryptogenic ischemic stroke
Stroke, JY Seo,KB Lee, JG Lee, JS Kim, H Roh, MY Ahn, BW Park, MS Hyon.
The epidemiology of fracture in patients with acute ischemic stroke in korea
J Korean Med Sci, KB Lee, JG Lee, BJ Kim et al
Brainstem encephalitis caused by herpes simplex virus type 1
Korean J of Headache, JG Lee, DH Heo, DE Kim, JY Seo, IM Jang, KB Lee, H Roh
A case of strong palm compression-induced thenar motor neuropathy
J Korean Society of Clin Neurophysiology, JG Lee, IM Jang, H Roh
Isolated unilateral trochlear nerve palsy as an initial sign of dural cavernous carotid fistula
J Korean Neurol Assoc, JG Lee, H Roh, IM Jang, KB Lee, MY Ahn
Hypertensive brainstem encephalopathy with atypical supratentorial involvement
J Korean Neurol Assoc, JG Lee, H Roh, IM Jang, KB Lee, MY Ahn
Fahr's disease with orofacial dyskinesia
J Korean Neurol Assoc, JG Lee, SJ Kim, IM Jang, KB Lee
Multiple territory ischemic stroke aggravated by severe anemia
J Korean Neurol Assoc, JY Seo, JG Lee, DH Heo, IM Jang, KB Lee, H Roh, MY Ahn
Acute ischemic stroke in moyamoya disease associated with thyrotoxic crisis
J Korean Neurol Assoc, DW Shin, JY Seo, JG Lee, JS Kim, KB Lee, H Roh, MY Ahn